Thursday, December 1, 2011

online marketing

for those of you who market your wares in the world, perhaps you would not find the events of this past week shocking.  I, however, as someone with very little experience, am riding the waves of publishing and distributing and marketing.  So I have been using my wonderful community as an online network resource and people have been learning about Learn, Love, Live and it's fabulous!  They have begun buying my life coaching planner...even more fabulous!  and then all of a sudden: OUT OF STOCK appears in amazon, in barnes and noble and in all t he other book sites that are selling LLL.  I am in a panic, call my publishers, and their hands are tied.  their distributor gave LLL planners to the websites.  The websites sold out (yeah!!) and then it's the sites responsibility to contact the distributor to get more.  If the website does not contact the distributor, then my lovely planner sits online looking pretty.  Well hey, My Learn, Love, Live planner is pretty, but it's a lot more than that!  So I write a secret anonymous letter( I used my daughter's name) to barnes and noble and said that I noticed they were out of stock. How can I order gifts for Christmas and Hanukkah??  and they wrote back saying they did not know when there would be more planners in stock.  sigh.  and my friend Janet did the same exercise on Amazon and their answer was similar.  uh oh.  so I call my publisher again (they are very patient people and are always very polite with me on the phone and I truly appreciate that) and point out that we have a problem here.  so they said they'll look into it.
this was yesterday.
today I went online and ta-da!!  back in stock on,, and  yeah!  I quickly called my publisher to profusely thank them and they were pleased but surprised and said: I guess it's true when you put your wish out to the cosmos, someone will step up and come to your aid.
I guess this would fall under the Learn Love Live category of Gratitude and Initiative.  acknowledge the blessings and go for what you want!
wishing you a fabulous day!

Saturday, November 5, 2011

create an inspiring year!

We are online!  Learn, Love, Live life coaching planner can be found on and on Barnes& (write in: life coaching planner) Check it out!
Last post I spoke about gratitude...the importance of looking for and acknowledging the good things, the blessings, seeing what is.  I offered the suggestion of a gratitude journal. 
Today I am sharing my thoughts on the title: Create an Inspiring Year!  Our life is our creation. Now that may sound trite, and it's true, that stuff happens that is out of our control, and what is also true is that while we cannot control life, we always, but always have control over how we respond and react to what life brings us.  I'll share a story: when Learn, Love, Live arrived in its lovely package, I sat with the distributor and I was very excited.  The first two comments from him was: it's late and it's expensive.  I felt the color drain from my face.  late and expensive???!!!  but we had talked about timing and cost and the importance, hadn't we??  well, I had a choice of how to react.  I didn't choose well that time.  my response was: attack!!  I got angry and I got upset.  later on (it happened to be a few days before Yom Kippur, a day of built in reflection) I took a step back and zoomed in on what triggered my response.  all fear.  what if no one can afford LLL??  what if no one even knows where to find it??  Once I faced the fear I was able to push past it, and reestablish dialogue and discover that it will work out, and in fact, things are working out quite wonderfully.  So I offer you this: in times of angst and conflict, step back, figure out what triggered you, acknowledge and push through it.  it is so amazing what happens when we face our fear, when we speak it out takes the sting right out of it, it releases some of that initial tension and allows us to move forward gracefully, authentically, as we are meant to.

Friday, October 14, 2011

The Finished Product

Learn Love Live is finished!  I saw the first copy last week and it's very exciting to see your work evolve from concept to vision through computer technology into a final hard copy.   The planner is lovely.  It's easy to use, attractive to look at, a good size for any bag you're's inviting, warm, and just looking at it, makes you feel inspired.  O.K., I'm biased, but truly, I felt a rush when I opened it.  I very much want to get your feedback on the design, on the flow, on the ease, on the content.  Very soon I will have a link to post where you can see  LLL and already order it online.
Remember, Learn Love Live is based on 4 guiding principles: Gratitude, Initiative, Well-being and the Inner Compass.
I want to close this post with a suggestion for Gratitude.  As a life coach, I work with my clients on shifting perspectives that are limiting them to perspectives that open up new ways of seeing things and ultimately to new ways of being in the world.  It begins with Gratitude.  Take a notebook.  Start writing every day 5 good moments that you had that day. Do it every day.  What you are doing in essence is training your brain to see the world as a good and giving place.  I promise you, this practice will change the way you see life, your can truly be life changing! 
Let me know how it goes.

Friday, September 30, 2011


This is my first posting of Learn Love Live!  I've opened this blog to share with you the thoughts, ideas, ins and outs of my life coaching planner.
Learn Love Live is my calendar-planner-workbook for the year 2012.  In it you will find the four elements necessary for creating a meaningful and productive year: Gratitude, Initiative, Well-being, and the Inner Compass.  Today I want to talk about the logo.  Green is a color I love.  It represents renewal, growth, and change.    the figure of the woman is representative for me, of a dancer...she has a connection to nature, and her graceful movement is both calming and inspiring.  she and the tree become one, and looking at it, I see a gesture inviting us to reach for more.  I love dance and I love how I feel when I dance, and as Martha Graham said:
"We look at the dance to impart the sensation of living in an affirmation of life, to energize the spectator into keener awareness of the vigor, the mystery, the humor, the variety, and the wonder of life."
I invite you to discover and explore your own personal dance with Learn Love Live!
